Massman completed the construction of the Nucor Steel Louisiana LLC ship unloading/barge loading dock facility on the Mississippi River near Convent, Lousiana. The facility offloads ocean going ships loaded with iron ore. The iron ore is transferred to a processing plant on land by a conveyor system. After processing the ore, the reduced iron is returned to the dock facility for loading onto barges for shipment to other steel mills which produce steel plate and shapes. The project included the installation of the foundations for the offloading and loading structures, construction of reinforced concrete decks for conveyor transfer and hopper buildings, and installation of guidewalls and mooring dolphins for both ocean going ships and inland barges.
The foundations consist of over 500 steel pipe piling, both plumb and battered, ranging in diameter from 18 to 96 inches, with lengths varying from 160 to 230 feet. Massman also installed the steel jackets, frames, platforms and bracing, and formed and placed of over 6,000 cubic yards of concrete for various structures. Massman erected all the conveyor trusses over water, erecting the surge bin and gravity take up structures, along with their associated hoppers and bins, and erected the barge loadout building that was over 55,000 square feet and up to 120 feet above river level.
Massman utilized eight barge mounted cranes, including three ringers, with capacities of up to 600 tons, to erect and drive the piling weighing up to 140 tons each, and to set jackets, equipment bases and machinery that weighed up to 185 tons. Massman's capabilities saved the client time and money by enabling them to pre-assemble many structures at the fabricators facilities, knowing that they could be erected when they arrived at the jobsite.