Massman Construction provided supply and installation of the the culvert valve for the Corps of Engineers at Lock & Dam 25 near Winfield, Missouri.
The concrete curb at the top of the four culvert valve pits (top of the lockwell) were removed. New concrete with embedded edge angles was poured back to provide recessed curbs for installation of the precast concrete pit covers.
The existing operating machinery in an area of the pit just below the top of the lock wall was removed and scrapped. The four new sets of machinery which are mounted on skids were then installed. The new machinery is positioned 5 feet above the top of the lock wall providing clearance for high water stages. The electrical work involved demolition of some of the existing wiring to the machinery and installation of new wiring.
At each of the four culvert valve pits the bulkheads were installed and then removed after the work was finished. The work involved dewatering each valve and attaching and tension testing the new hoisting cables.